Webinar IELA “Innovation in English Language Teaching”

Saturday (26/08/2023). IELA webinar with the theme “Innovation in English Language Teaching held by the Indonesia English Lecturer Association (IELA) on Saturday, August 26, 2023. This event presented three speakers: Ahmad Madkur, M.Pd., Ph.D. Candidate, Deakin University Australia from IAIN Metro Lampung, Dr. Delli Sabudu, S.Pd., M.Pd. from Universitas Negeri Manado, and Dr. Novalita Fransisca Tungka, S.S., M.Pd. from Universitas Sintuwu Maroso, Central Sulawesi. The chairwoman of the committee is Dra. Yani Sri Mulyani, MM. from Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Kampus Kota Tasikmalaya and the moderator is Associate Professor Dr. Hiqma Nur Agustina, S.S., M.Si, M.Hum from Politeknik Negeri Malang.

The webinar presented three topics. The first was ‘From Dislike to Like: Promoting Students’ Cross-Culture Awareness and Engagement in Pesantren Classroom by Ahmad Madkur, M.Pd., Ph.D Candidate. The second was Utilizing Drama Technique to Reduce Students’ Speaking Anxiety by Dr. Delli Sabudu, M.Pd. The third was Innovation of ELT: Teaching English to Students in a Low-Tech Learning Environment by Dr. Novalita Fransisca Tungka, S.S., M.Pd.

The President of IELA, Associate Professor Daniel Ginting stated that having collaboration among the lecturers and researchers from all State and Private universities in Indonesia will develop the spirit to build the united research and publication. Moreover,  each of the members of IELA can share and improve their ability in doing Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi through the solid cooperation among the members.

There were a lot of lecturers and researchers joined this webinar. Some questions are raised by the participants. They seem interested to participate and gave the questions and opinion about the topics brought by the three speakers. The participants could choose to join through zoom directly or streaming from YouTube. At the end, there was photo sessions with the speakers, committee, and participants.

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