Individual membership

 A. Who can be a member of IELA?

  1. English lecturers
  2. Individuals who register themselves voluntarily come from multidisciplinary studies. 
  3. Individuals who have concern and commitment to the development and progress of education in Indonesia

B. Types of Membership

  1. Regular membership (the member who registers for IELA only for one year)
  2. Gold Membership (the member who registers for IELA  for two years in advance)

C. Benefits

1 IELA E-Member Card FREE FREE
2 Card-Valid 1 YEAR 2 YEARS
3 Participation in IELA Activities (plus certificate) FREE FREE
4 take part in the National/International Conference (Publication Charge excluded) 20% DISCOUNT 30% DISCOUNT
5 Get Network and experience from English lecturers throughout Indonesia YES YES
6 Collaborative academic activities (Doing research, writing books, and others) YES YES
7 Promotion for Board membership  NO YES

Click this link to register yourself